In responding to customer expectations in the multifaceted gaming, hospitality and leisure sector, operations need to be of a high standard, flawlessly smooth and professional. The dominance of social media in our lives puts additional pressure on service providers as a small incident can reach large-scale negative proportion if the aggrieved chooses to have their say about a poor experience.
A natural breeding ground for theft
Within this sector, there is a continuous flow & presence of consumables, cash, food & beverages and patron belongings. This creates a natural breeding ground for unauthorised access, tampering and theft.
Monitor employee integrity
A gaming setting is intricate and tireless when it comes to regulatory compliance. Although almost every corner of such an operation is under perpetual camera surveillance, the detailed operations need to be verified with reliable sealing solutions to monitor employee integrity, process compliance and to identify point of liability and minimize risk opportunities.
Asset marking should be a high priority driven by financial heads of department due to the inherent value of assets in such environments and their close proximity to public intervention.
Enterprise asset management (EAM) in a distributed asset network is an onerous task, but without a clear view of what assets you have, what condition they are in, what their optimum performance should be, who is interacting with these assets, what scheduled maintenance should take place and when these assets should be replaced, the business is exposed to imprudent spend and unjustified profit erosion.
We can help
Contact ICS today about doing a risk assessment on the business, executing an AIV (asset identification and verification) process, developing an AMIP (asset management improvement plan) with you, building an asset register based on industry best practice and growing with you to incorporate other EAM services such as facilities management, asset care, training, condition monitoring and consulting.