The movement of ‘liquid gold’ demands premium security and traceability throughout the value chain. Simply put: product integrity + reliable delivery = brand reputation and safeguarded profits.
Custom security solutions
ICS has developed a suite of robust products designed for applications in this demanding operational environment, often in widespread networks, where product standardisation is key to achieving value chain peace of mind and accountability.
With an acute understanding of threats in the midstream and downstream operations with national and cross border capability, ICS is the ideal partner for the supply of your security consumables. Asset marking of plants and equipment can have significant impact on operational efficiencies, training and food handling safety.
Enterprise asset management (EAM) in a distributed asset network is an onerous task, but without a clear view of what assets you have, what condition they are in, what their optimum performance should be, who is interacting with these assets, what scheduled maintenance should take place and when these assets should be replaced, the business is exposed to imprudent spend and unjustified profit erosion.
We can help
Contact ICS today about doing a risk assessment on the business, executing an AIV (asset identification and verification) process, developing an AMIP (asset management improvement plan) with you, building an asset register based on industry best practice and growing with you to incorporate other EAM services such as facilities management, asset care, training, condition monitoring and consulting.