As supply chain networks evaluate methods to minimise cost, improve efficiencies and reduce risk, the spotlight falls firmly on the implementation of RTI’s – returnable transport items such as roll tainers, roll cages, pallets, crates, tote bins and other variable containers. Retail supply chains utilise a common pool of equipment, either managed by a pool organiser or a logistics service provider.
Disposable packaging
These assets are expensive and their usage, turnaround time and status will ultimately determine their value. Any CPG (consumer packaged goods) and specifically the fresh food segment will continue to minimise the use of disposable packaging. Not only does this deliver multiple operational benefit, but it bodes well for environmental conscientious best practice.
Enterprise asset management (EAM) in a distributed asset network is an onerous task, but without a clear view of what assets you have, what condition they are in, what their optimum performance should be, who is interacting with these assets, what scheduled maintenance should take place and when these assets should be replaced, the business is exposed to imprudent spend and unjustified profit erosion.
We can help
Contact ICS today about doing a risk assessment on the business, executing an AIV (asset identification and verification) process, developing an AMIP (asset management improvement plan) with you, building an asset register based on industry best practice and growing with you to incorporate other EAM services such as facilities management, asset care, training, condition monitoring and consulting.