In the courier and postal sector, a vast range of items move between customers and suppliers and business to business. The item value can range from low to extremely high, but irrespective of monetary value, the sender relies on safe and fast transit.
Many hands make complex work
Multiple hands come into contact with shipments , making it a complex supply chain to manage and even more complex to investigate when something goes wrong. Service providers may argue that consignors need to ensure the safe & secure packaging of shipments, but they also know too well that customers are quick to apportion blame to the courier company when there has been a security breach.
Proactive security steps
In the interest of customer service, and to protect themselves, shouldn’t courier companies invest a little more in making their supply chain just a little more secure? Simple, proactive steps will help to identify point of liability and could go a long way in improving customer perception of your service offering.
Warehouse doors, cages, cardboard boxes, consol bags, bins, rolltainers and vehicle doors are all vulnerable to tampering if appropriate security measures are not applied.
High volume, heavy duty traffic means that warehousing & logistics operations need high quality, durable floor marking labels. With the objective of easily retrievable stock, innovative & highly legible & scan-able shelf labels are the answer and returnable logistics equipment calls for specialised asset marking solutions.
The right sealing solution can also simplify checking processes thereby improving operational efficiencies.
Securing fuel
Fuel is liquid gold. Parallel to sophisticated fuel management systems, courier companies should consider an additional, overt, visually irrefutable measure to secure fuel caps. A bold, simple seal could offer the psychological deterrent that’s needed to tighten the noose on unscrupulous drivers.
Enterprise asset management (EAM) in a distributed asset network is an onerous task, but without a clear view of what assets you have, what condition they are in, what their optimum performance should be, who is interacting with these assets, what scheduled maintenance should take place and when these assets should be replaced, the business is exposed to imprudent spend and unjustified profit erosion.
We can help
Contact ICS today about doing a risk assessment on the business, executing an AIV (asset identification and verification) process, developing an AMIP (asset management improvement plan) with you, building an asset register based on industry best practice and growing with you to incorporate other EAM services such as facilities management, asset care, training, condition monitoring and consulting.